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Mali 400, Is it any good?

9:31 AM - By 4r5677 1


Mali 400 is a GPU(Graphic Processing Unit) for Smart Phones, It is available in 
Mali 400 GPU
4 different variants: 
  • single core, 
  • dual core, 
  • triple core and 
  • quad core.
But don't Confuse it by thinking it is a CPU! It is a Graphic Processing Unit!



It has the clock speed of 210mhz - 550mhz, and it was the first OpenGL® ES 2.0 supported GPU for smart phones, which was the reason behind extra smooth 3D and 2D accelerations. It is a quite good gpu for 3D gaming, it produces average of 40-90 FPS (Frames per second) depending on the CPU power and Cores.

Mali-400 MP1

Feature Value Description
Frequency 210MHz
in 40nm LP
in 28nm HPM
Throughput 23Mtri/s, 210Mpix/s
55Mtri/s, 500Mpix/s
in 40nm LP
in 28nm HPM

Mali-400 MP4

Feature Value Description
Frequency 210MHz
in 40nm LP
in 28nm HPM
Throughput 23Mtri/s, 840Mpix/s
55Mtri/s, 2.0Gpix/s
in 40nm LP
in 28nm HPM

Anti-Aliasing 4xAA
4x Multi-Sampling with virtually no performance drop
16xAA outperforming all implementations of comparable quality
API Support OpenGL ES    1.1/2.0 Full support for legacy 2D/3D graphics applicatio
Bus Interface AMBA® AXI Compatible with a wide range of bus interconnect and peripheral IP
L2 Cache 8KB - 256KB Configurable L2 cache optimized for graphics data traffic
Memory System MMU Memory Management Unit
Multi-Core Scaling 1 to 4 cores A single IP covering a wide range and price/performance points

 Anybody Use'in it?

Samsung Galaxy SII I9100
It was first debuted on Samsung Galaxy SII (2011), Which had the dual core 200-400mhz Mali 400 GPU, 
Dual Core 1.2Ghz Cortex A9, 1GB ram and a Exynos4210 Chipset.It was the power source of 4.3inch AMOLED display (480x800 pixels).

Samsung Galaxy SIII I9300
It was also used later on Samsung Galaxy SIII(2012) it had the Quad core 200-500mhz GPU variant Mali 400MP4 , Giving the SIII a huge amount of 3D acceleration. It had the Quad Core 1.4ghz Cortex A9, 1GB ram same as the SII and Exynos 4412 Chipset. It powered a 4.8 inch HD (1280x720 pixels) Super AMOLED Display.

 Is it still good?

currently this GPU is used in very little devices as it is old (Released 2011) and not quite upto the mark for too much graphic rendering, It can mainly be found in budget phones like Walton Primo H3, Quad core 1.3ghz, Mali 400 dual core 300-450mhz, 1 GB ram and MediaTek MTK chipset. Powering a 4.7 inch (540x960 Pixels) IPS+OGS display.
Walton Primo H3

It power Walton Primo GH2 too, Quad core 1.3ghz, Dual core 200-370mhz Mali 400, 1GB ram and MediaTek MTK chipset. Powering a 4.5 inches FWVGA (480 X 854) pixels TFT display
Walton Walton primo gh2
Walton Primo GH2
Walton Primo R3 is also powered by 1.3ghz Quad core, Triple core 200-500mhz Mali 400MP, 1GB ram and MediaTek MTK chipset. Powering a 4.7inch HD(720x1280 pixels) IPS Black Light Display.
Walton Walton primo r3
Walton Primo R3
Symphony Xplorer W160 is also powered by 1.3ghz Quad core, Dual Core 200-450mhz Mali 400MP, 1GB ram and a MediaTek MTK chipset. Powering a 5inch HD(720x1280 pixels) IPS display.

Symphony Symphony xplorer w160
Symphony Xpolrer W160

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About the Author

I am a gamer, animator, gadget enthusiast.I have owned Bunch of devices, Iphone 3GS, Nokia 303, Nokia X2-02, Samsung Galaxy Note 2, Samsung Galaxy S3. And I have great enthusiam for TechnologyFollow Me On G+
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